GALLSTONES are deposits of crystallized resins and minerals, the same as kidney stones but combined with bile in the gall bladder.
Along with the suggestions for Kidney Stones, see page 282, eating foods containing a lot of minerals, that is, fresh raw vegetable juices, raw eggs, raw milk (preferably full-fat), raw plain kefir, tomatoes, melons, no-salt-added raw cheeses and fresh raw fish, especially raw oysters and clams with raw fat soothes the condition. Drinking 2 ounces of fresh raw beet juice mixed in other vegetable juices and eaten with no-salt-added raw cheese once daily speeds the process. A raw milk eggnog made by blending 2 raw eggs, ½ cup raw milk and ¼ banana (nutmeg isn’t necessary) works just a little bit slower but sometimes is more soothing.