Q&A: Kefir strained in stainless steel mesh strainer

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Aajonus Questions and Answers – 1st Edition

This PDF book has 250 separate question and answer exchanges extracted from emails. The content has been edited so the person asking the question is kept anonymous.

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Pages: 320
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Jan 10, 2010
Hi Aajonus,

Does kefir react with a stainless steel mesh strainer for the few seconds that it is in contact with it? Is there metal being released into the kefir?

My 4 year old son has lived on kefir for the last 3 years. It is one of his favorite foods. Is he eating small amounts of metal?

I just learned at a yogurt making workshop that a plastic strainer should be used instead of a stainless steel strainer. What are your thoughts on straining kefir in a stainless steel mesh strainer? I have been making kefir for 3 years now and I use a stainless steel mesh strainer to press the kefir through once it has turned into kefir. Cheesecloth won't work. So it's either stainless steel or plastic. Plastic has it's own issues.

I do not use stainless steel for anything else.

I always use glass bowls/plates and wooden spoons for all our food but there is no such thing as a glass or wood strainer.

Thank you

Any time any food comes into contact with metal, radio waves affect the food. However, if you are surrounded by more solid walls, less radio waves will affect food. Consider that radio waves pass through almost everything and your radio will play as long as there is a signal close enough.

Stainless steel takes at least an hour to begin to dissolve and enter acidic foods, so I would not worry about using a STAINLESS steel strainer for about 2 minutes or less.


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